looking back. looking forward. looking back.
every single day we encounter information and rumors about the world that is presented to us in million ways, some are accessible by others. some of it rhymes. but most of them are bullshits and bughits. mind my word. much of it is trying to persuade us to do something that we hate the most. or hate the least.
we make risk decisions every single day. and often the down side to risk is much more frightening than throwing up on a thrill ride. our brains employ all sorts of tricks to get us through the day. so called automatic judgements. if unchecked, the tendency to confuse thoughts and actions can make dubious choices seems easier and more desirable than they ought to be.
get the correct information. verify them all. and take the risk to decide something someday. does not matter if it is about the future, the career, or the-should-i-give-up-or-should-i-stay decision. decide something for yourself. do not let others do it for you. ey, not to decide anything yet is also a decision. no?
too afraid to take the risk? but isn't life really about risking it all? heh.
p/s: Happy birthday, young man.
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